Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany 2023 – Fully Funded


Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany 2023 is a unique yet an up to date opportunity to tackle the growing threats related to cyber security. The world has become a global village due to the use of communication technologies. However, these technologies can be misused as well. The four-month fully-funded scholarship in Germany is designed to cater to such growing cyber threats. In this workshop, the participants get to know the tools to overcome the breach of privacy as well as the actual fault lines and loopholes that lead to such a drastic breach. In addition, this scholarship in Europe is an extraordinary chance to have practice know-how about the importance and implementation of risk assessments and security planning. 

A fully funded workshop for journalists in Europe has little impact. The second phase of the program comes as journalists acquire practical skills to protect themselves from emerging digital threats. At this stage, all participants create their own training concepts – with the help of a coaching team consisting of high-level experts. Once the concept is developed, participants become consultants and train journalists in their home countries with the same skills they learned during the Berlin exchange program.

The RSF Germany scholarship program has benefited many journalists around the world who have faced death threats for their journalistic skills and fair work in war zones and crisis zones. RSF Reporter Fellowship Program is one way to learn how to assess risks properly. The program will undoubtedly make participants realize that there is no such thing as “perfect security”, however, there are many methods and tools for a well-designed security plan. Apart from these technical learning programmes, the participants get to know each other, share a lasting bond and learn about different cultures living together and organize various social gatherings. Basically, the program stays with the participants not only for four months but for a lifetime.

Brief Description:

  • Location: Germany
  • Program: Training Program
  • Opportunity: Fully Funded
  • Duration: 04 Months
  • Deadline: 05 December 2022

Financial Benefits:

  • Each participant receives a stipend of 900 Euros per month.
  • Visa-related matters will be settled.
  • Pleasant accommodation will be provided to the participants.
  • All travel expenses to and from Berlin will be paid for.
  • Daily public transport will be free for the participants.
  • Participants will be given in-depth information about the activities of Reporters Without Borders Germany, a global activist journalist and human rights organization.

Eligibility Criteria of Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany:

  1. You can apply if you are a professional journalist, blogger, media professional, or citizen reporter from war-torn or crisis-affected areas.
  2. Journalists in their home countries face digital threats.
  3. It is crucial for the candidates to demonstrate their willingness to return to their home countries.
  4. English proficiency is a requirement.

How to Apply for Berlin Scholarship 2023 in Germany?

  • The applicants have to send their signed applications with the required documents via Signal Messenger Service at +491636743853. 
  • If you have a Proton Mail Account, send your application to the account  rsf.digitalfreedom[at]
  • ProtonMail is an end-to-end encrypted email service. You can register for a free account here.
  • Fill out the Berlin Scholarship 2023 online application and questionnaire in Pdf form.
  • You have to save two Pdf files of the above forms.
  • Complete these Pdf files on your computers.
  • You have to save these Pdf files and send them to one of the given addresses.

Required Documents:

  1. Complete the Application form.
  2. CV
  3. Proof of Identity.
  4. completed questionnaire.