World Health is celebrating 3 Million WHO Free online Courses enrollment in just 4 Months. The WHO Online Courses is open to anyone and you will get Free WHO Certificates. They have two types of certifications. Records of Achievement and Confirmations of Participation depending on course details. The World Health organization courses are available in multiple languages.
The Online Free Courses offered by the World Health Organization is Free of Cost, and there is no requirement of Fee Submissions as well. After the successful completion of the course, candidates will be provided with the Free Certificates. There are two types of certificates Confirmation of Participation and Records of Achievement.
All the candidates Male/Female who are interested in WHO Free Online Courses are encouraged to apply. For more Online courses, you can visit Mustakbil anytime.
Details About WHO Free Online Courses
- Organization: World Health Organization
- No. of Courses: Undefine
- Certificates: Yes (Free)
- Who Can Apply: Anyone can apply
OpenWHO Enables the Organization and its key partners to transfer life-saving knowledge to large numbers of frontline responders.
WHO Does not require any previous education requirements. The courses are open to anyone with any academic fields and major background.
The Certificates will be given after the 80% Completion of the course.
The Sample of the Certificate is given below so you can check the type of WHO Certificate. The below certificate is just a sample.
Types of Courses
World Health Organization is offering its courses in three levels such as Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced:
- Ready for response: Speaks about humanitarian response and how best to engage in crisis circumstances.
- Outbreak: Offers awareness and tools on particular diseases.
- Preparing for pandemics: Brings together courses on various aspects of influenza events.
- Go social!: Focuses on cross-cutting intrusions such as risk disclosure.
WHO Free Online Courses Benefits
The Online Course will provide candidates with the following benefits:
- Courses offered are free of cost.
- All Nationalities can apply for this online course.
- There are no Academic restrictions.
- Free certificates will be given on completion of the course.
- Easy to access as courses offered are online.
- The courses are offered in more than 20 languages.
- Self-Paced.
How to Find Courses:
Let us tell you how can you filter the courses check the images provided below:
1. First what you need to do is select your desired language

2. Click on Proficiency Level and select the Level
3. Now Select the Channel

How to Apply for WHO Online Courses
Create an account on OpenWHO and when you log in, you can choose the course you want to take from the list of available courses on OpenWHO.
To enroll in the course, click on the button which reads “Enroll me for this course.” Once enrolled, you can start the course immediately. To Enroll Visit the Official Website of WHO.
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